England's Struggles Against Serbia: A Tactical Review

The recent football match between England and Serbia left many fans and analysts frustrated, with the English team eking out a narrow 1-0 victory. Despite possessing a squad brimming with talent, the performance raised several questions about the tactical approach and decision-making of England's manager, Gareth Southgate. This blog dives into the tactical missteps, individual performances, and the broader implications for England's football strategy.

England's Tactical Approach: A Missed Opportunity

England's lineup featured prominent names like Trent Alexander-Arnold, Declan Rice, Jude Bellingham, Phil Foden, and Harry Kane. However, the approach to the game left much to be desired. With players of such high caliber, the expectation was for a more dominant and fluid style of play. Instead, the team resorted to a conservative approach, particularly after securing a one-goal lead.

 Defensive Mindset Over Attacking Flair

Throughout the match, there was a noticeable emphasis on defending rather than capitalizing on the team's attacking potential. Phil Foden, primarily an attacking player, was often seen performing defensive duties. While it's understood that wingers must track back, the overemphasis on defense stifled England's attacking creativity.

Southgate's decision to sit back and defend after taking the lead seemed overly cautious. The team's buildup play was sluggish, reminiscent of England's traditional "slow start" in major tournaments. The strategy of holding back after gaining a lead is not new for Southgate, as seen in previous tournaments where England started slowly in the group stages.

Phil Foden's Positioning: A Tactical Misfire

Foden's deployment on the left wing, where he was expected to defend more than attack, highlighted the tactical confusion. His natural position is more central, where he can influence the game more directly. The lack of a clear attacking strategy and proper use of Foden's skills was evident. Southgate's press conference remarks about the flexibility of Foden's starting position added to the confusion, as it seemed there was no concrete plan to utilize his strengths effectively.

  Individual Performances: Bright Spots Amidst the Gloom

Despite the overall disappointing performance, several individual players stood out with their efforts.

    Jude Bellingham: A Beacon of Hope

Jude Bellingham's performance was a standout, showcasing his versatility and skill across various phases of the game. He was involved in both defensive and attacking plays, making crucial interceptions and creating chances. His goal was a testament to his ability to read the game and make impactful runs into the box.

 Trent Alexander-Arnold: A Misused Asset

Trent Alexander-Arnold was another player whose talents were not fully harnessed. Playing as a defensive midfielder, his positioning was often erratic, covering various roles on the pitch. While his defensive contributions were commendable, his potential as an attacking threat was underutilized. His natural tendency to swing passes to the left side could have been better leveraged if he was positioned more appropriately.

Harry Kane: A Striker Starved of Service

Harry Kane's performance was another point of concern. Known for his ability to link up play and support wingers, he was often isolated and received limited service. The tactical setup did not play to his strengths, resulting in a lack of meaningful contributions from the star striker.

       Tactical Adjustments: What Needs to Change?

The match against Serbia highlighted several tactical flaws that need addressing for England to fully utilize their talented squad.

          Reconsidering Player Positions

One major adjustment could involve rethinking player positions. For instance, positioning Trent Alexander-Arnold on the left side of the midfield could open up more passing angles and allow his right-footed crosses to be more effective. Similarly, allowing Phil Foden to play more centrally could enhance the team's attacking dynamism.

          Embracing Attacking Football

Southgate needs to embrace a more attacking style of play, especially given the attacking talents at his disposal. The team's conservative approach is not only stifling their potential but also frustrating for fans who expect a more exciting brand of football.

          Defensive Stability Without Sacrificing Offense

Finding a balance between defensive stability and attacking flair is crucial. The current setup, which overly emphasizes defense after taking a lead, needs to be re-evaluated. Trusting players like Declan Rice and Jude Bellingham to control the midfield while allowing attackers more freedom could be a solution.


England's narrow win against Serbia was a wake-up call for the team and its management. While the individual talent within the squad is undeniable, the tactical approach needs significant adjustments to fully realize their potential. Gareth Southgate must move away from an overly cautious strategy and embrace a more balanced and attacking style of play. Only then can England hope to make the most of their "Golden Generation" and achieve success in major tournaments.